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[Returning Soon] Writing Gym, Option B

Hi! We’ve briefly paused our evening Writing Gym but hope to bring it back soon! Join us in the afternoon instead! Or sign up for the waitlist to hear first when we restart evening sessions. - Emily & Katie

Writing Gym is a monthly, virtual writing class that meets once a week. In each session, we focus on a brief excerpt from a novel or memoir, followed by a targeted writing prompt, a free-write, and a mini-workshop. We believe writing is a muscle and the more you exercise it, the better.

This class is a perfect way to exercise your writing muscle once a week and hear from other writers doing the same. All levels welcome, even if your goal is just to write for twenty minutes weekly. Many of our attendees choose to make Writing Gym a recurring investment, attending weekly every month — like a year-round online writing group — so every session has a friendly, community feel.


Note: We have two sections of Writing Gym available: Thursday afternoons and Thursday evenings. You are signing up for Thursday evenings. Sign up for our afternoon class by choosing “Writing Gym, Option A.”

What you’ll get: 

  • Weekly excerpts and prompts that exemplify a craft lesson we review in class 

  • Weekly free writes that allow you to put lessons into practice

  • Weekly mini-workshops with Emily and Katie (+ the rest of the class!)

  • A new community of writers

Duration: 4 weeks with 90-minute meetings weekly

Instructors: Emily Stone and Katie O’Donnell 

Format: Zoom 

Date* & Time: Thursdays 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm ET

*Each Writing Gym program starts on the first Thursday of the month. You can sign up for next month’s class until noon EST the day before (Wednesday). If you purchase Writing Gym after that deadline, you are signing up for next month’s Writing Gym.

January 1

Writing Gym, Three Months

March 27

Happily Ever Crafter with Julia Whelen